Carol Haynes
About Carol Haynes
For Carol, everything begins in East Tennessee. And as she describes it, it’s a place “where the Smoky Mountains surround majestic valleys with venues straight from heaven. Cades Coves would be one of those places, where as a child, I recall being in search of something too awesome for words. What I discovered was a calling from God…from whom comes my strength.”
Soon, her life’s passion also became clear. Carol recalls, “When my first grade teacher first told my parents…that she could ‘tell from my handwriting’ that I was going to be an artist someday, I can imagine the look on their faces. From that day forward, the secret was out. Only I didn’t know it. All I wanted to do was just draw…and so drawing became my passion.”
One degree led to another which eventually led to a Master’s Degree in Medical Illustration from the Medical College of Georgia, and her first job as an artist at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville).
The Vet School fostered her love for all kinds of animals…from familiar dogs and cats to exotic zoo animals including birds of prey and miniature horses. She remembers loving every moment that allowed her the time to ‘just draw’ whatever critter crawled, scampered, or flew in the door.
For Carol, it was a dream come true, and yet, she notes, “God had another plan in mind.” Carol says she sensed God’s calling to shepherd His people. And so, Carol stepped into church ministry and for eighteen plus years, she served God by serving people.
Now, semi-retired, she returns to the drawing board, her artistic calling renewed.
With a warm smile, Carol says, “I find myself back in the pews along with all of the other sheep, and wanting to ‘just draw’ once again. What I seek to draw can best be described as the ‘voice of God’…a breaking in of ‘the light that penetrates all darkness’…a sense and a realization that God is forever present. I see God wherever I look. In the face of an old dog whose eyes are growing dim, I sense the spark of not only light…but life. If I can capture that moment…that glimpse of the eternal…then, perhaps, my first grade teacher was right. “
She adds, “I consider it a blessing and a privilege to ‘just draw’ whatever God sets along my path. Old dogs…cows…and miniature horses…what more could this artist possibly need. My prayer is that all who “look” with their eyes, will “see” God’s handiwork in full bloom. And be blessed by what they see.